Finding yourself at the center of a Florida criminal investigation can be stressful, confusing, and overwhelming. Browse our online legal library for free, reliable, and in-depth articles that provide much-needed information on your rights and how our adept criminal defense team can increase your chances for a positive outcome.
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Florida Statute 812.019: Dealing in Stolen PropertyFlorida Statute 812.019: Dealing in Stolen Property. Flaherty & Merrifield will help you if you are facing criminal charges.
Destin Leaving the Scene of an Accident AttorneysIf you have been charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident with Injury, call (850) 243-6097 for a free case evaluation.
Drug Trafficking Lawyers in DestinFlaherty & Merrifield can help if you have been charged with Drug Trafficking in Destin. Call anytime, day or night, at (850) 243-6097.
Destin Possession of a Controlled Substance LawyersAt Flaherty & Merrifield, you are not a number, you are a person and we want to fight for you.
Florida Statute 843.01: Resisting an officer with or without violenceDescription of Florida Statute 843.01: Resisting an officer with or without violence. If you are facing criminal charges, contact Flaherty & Merrifield.
Crestview Battery On Law Enforcement AttorneysThe Crestview criminal defense attorneys with Flaherty & Merrifield can help if you’ve been charged with Battery On Law Enforcement.
Crestview Theft Defense AttorneysFlaherty & Merrifield will defend your reputation if you’ve been accused of a Theft crime in Crestview.
Crestview Possession of a Controlled Substance LawyersDon't plead guilty without first talking to a Crestview criminal defense lawyer. Call (850) 243-6097 for a free consultation.
Crestview Domestic Violence AttorneysFlaherty & Merrifield can help bring your family back together after a domestic dispute. Call (850) 243-6097.
Destin Fleeing or Eluding Law Enforcement AttorneyCall Flaherty & Merrifield at (850) 243-6097 if you have been arrested for Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Law Enforcement in Destin.
Crestview Unlawful Sexual Activity with a Minor Defense LawyerThe Crestview lawyers at the Flaherty & Merrifield will defend you if you are accused of unlawful sexual activity a minor. Call us at (850) 243-6097.
PaymentHiring the right criminal defense lawyer might be more affordable than you think. We will work with you as much as possible.